Daily Beauty and Fresh Make-Up for Students

Hasil gambar untuk teens makeup

As for as the issue that was brought in the late article, as Millennials generation teens tend to follow what popular in their community. With also Skin Problem that almost all teens experiencing, they need something to boost their confident, such as make-up.

The name of make-up is not always have to be make-upy or heavy, as teens we do need a touch of make-up that can make their appearance more healthy and fresh.Something that Teens, need to understand is about Hygiene and when you should not touch your face.

Okey first step is to really clean your face and prep your face, because here in Indonesia has a tropic weather, ofcourse it is going to be humid and more hot while teens go to school, so clean your face with your face wash, and after that use toner to balance your skin Ph, and last and most important step is Moisturize your skin.

Step Two : Always wear SunScreen before putting any make-up.

Step Three : Use a Light Weight base make-up such as, BB Cream, or Tinted Moisturizer to even out your skin tone. If you need something to cover use a concealer that match your skin to add more coverage.

Step Four : Powder your face if you need it.

Step Five : Apply mascara can make such a big different for your eyes

Five Six : Apply a little bit of Blush to bring back some colour in your face

Last Step : Use Lip Balm, or Lip Gloss to make your over all looks more fresh.


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